We help private businesses and their owners toward the end zone of a lasting legacy.

You’re ready to enter a different arena, and want to pass the ball to talented professionals who will prioritize doing right by your team. We love engaging with business owners about the playbook they’ve written, the enterprise they’ve built, and learning how we can contribute to their lasting legacy.

“As a U.S. Air Force Veteran, Wall Street investment banker, and lifelong entrepreneur, high stakes leadership experiences have equipped me for this CEO journey. Growing your business will be our focus. Leading your people will be our passion.”

Everette Richardson

Managing Partner

The two of us will focus on your company 100% of the time, including moving locally, to ensure continued success during and after the transition period. That's why many owners choose groups like ours over private equity or strategic buyers, among other reasons.”

Marquise Boyd

Managing Partner

  • About us

    Leading entrepreneurs, experienced operators, and seasoned investors seeking to partner with and operate a single, promising privately-owned business.

  • About your business

    You provide a mission-critical service. $10–$50mm in predictable revenue. No single players with outsized market share.

  • About you

    Long-time business owner or serial entrepreneur thinking about retirement or taking a step back from day-to-day operations and focusing on what's next.